Comments – 2019

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We value your feedback. If you’d like to send us a comment about your experience, please use the form on the Guestbook page.

Below are some comments received by Victoria's Quilts Canada in 2019. Where requested, the names of the submitters have been edited to protect their privacy.

Note: All comments are in the language received and are not translated. To view the French comments, please visit the French page.


"I would like to thank my family members for requesting a quilt for me. I use it every day when my body temperature decides to start running cold. I never would have thought that I would make so much use of it. It is a beautifully designed quilt and whoever made it should be very proud. Words are never enough to describe how grateful I am to everyone involved. Also a big thanks for delivering the quilt to me."
– Bob Stojan, Victoria BC

"I am a Ovarian Cancer Survivor in the United States. Your work is awesome and so wonderful. Thank you for providing such beautiful quilts to my Teal Warriors in Canada. Blessings to you!!!"
– Barbara Pytel, Mims FL


"A dear friend of mine requested a quilt for me and I received it today. It is such a lovely and comforting gift. Thank you to all the quilters whose skill, talent, love and time went into this beautiful, beautiful quilt. I am grateful to have such a wonderful friend and so grateful for the wonderful quilters!"
– Anonymous

"Heartfelt thanks for my beautiful quilt which arrived just prior to my surgery. It is the most beautiful gift and will be used and treasured in the years to come. Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who spend hours making these quilts and sending them to those in need. Your compassion and gift make this journey a little lighter."
– Lynne Crellin, Grimsby ON

"Victoria Quilts Canada, such an amazing group of people who care in the most incredible way, thank you seems so inadequate. I hope you know how much joy you wonderful group of volunteers bring to cancer patients! My God bless each and everyone of you!"
– Kathy Bowland, Kingston NB

"I would like to thank you graciously for the quilt that you made for my brother. He is very thankful to receive it. Bless all of you."
– Debbie McCarthy, Smiths Falls ON

"I received a beautiful quilt from Victoria’s Quilts Canada yesterday. It was requested by a dear friend of mine who received a quilt when she was going through cancer treatments. She has told me many times how much comfort it gave her. To receive one of my own has left me almost unable to express the gratitude that I feel. This quilt has already given me so much strength. When I cuddle under it I definitely feel comfort , not only from the quilt itself but from the volunteers' hands that made it. I feel their prayers for me. Thank you so much for this generous gift of kindness and love. "
– Anonymous

"What a lovely surprise awaited me when I picked up a parcel at the post office and discovered one of your beautiful quilts. The quilt is done in nice floral patterns and it has received many compliments. It is a wonderful gift that brings warm comfort during my treatments. Thank you so much."
– Denice Crook, Brampton ON

"Wow, I was lucky enough to have a friend that thought enough of me and my situation to make contact for a Victoria's Quilts Canada quilt. Well it arrived today, and I cried, I smiled and then I realized how lucky I am. The quilt is so beautiful, but the thought is also amazing. I published this picture on my Facebook and the response I received was overwhelming. I know I am not fighting alone. You also sent a quilt to my friend battling breast cancer. It came at a very much needed time which couldn't have been more perfect. Please extend to all your elves, how much their kindness really does make a very big difference in our lives. Thank all you so much!"
– Ann Noel, Gander NL

"I requested a cancer quilt for my sister-in-law who is going through breast cancer. She was so delighted and touched to receive one of your quilts. As soon as she came home from a visit with her grandchildren, she laid down with her beautiful quilt, cuddled up and fell asleep. She loves it and told me she is overjoyed with her quilt. Already it has brought her so much comfort. Thank you so much, it means sew much!"
– Patsy Sweetapple, Glovertown NL

"Today I received a beautiful quilt from Victoria's Quilts Canada. I would like to thank each and every one of you for this thoughtful gift. It brought tears to my eyes and I will treasure it forever. Thank you again. "
– Liz Lychak, Plumas MN

"During chemo and recovery from surgery for breast cancer, I used my beautiful quilt every day. Cozy and comforting, it was a metaphor for the support I felt. Knowing that several people I did not know made this for me was a different kind of therapy! I would like to make a few quilt tops as a thank you and will pursue this as winter approaches. Sincere thanks for this worthwhile program and the love that came with my quilt! "
– Kathryn Ritz, New Hamburg ON


"A special delivery arrived today from Victoria's Quilts Canada! Thank you to the volunteer from the London Branch for bringing the beautiful quilt which was handmade with love by a volunteer in Tillsonburg. Thank you also to my friend for kindly requesting a quilt on my behalf and thanks to all and everyone involved and anyone I may have missed! May you all be blessed for your devoted time, effort, kindness and love which brings comfort to so many of us. "
– Judy Bunt, ON

"Thank you for the beautiful quilt made by your volunteers. My sister who has undergone cancer treatments herself requested it for me. She received a quilt from Victoria's Quilts Canada 18 years ago. I'll be having my mastectomy on Friday and this beautiful quilt will be cozy and comfortable as I rest and recover. Many thanks to all the volunteers who create the quilts that bring smiles to the faces of the recipients. "
– Anonymous

"I received a beautiful quilt from your organization. A colleague of mine referred me and I am forever grateful. The quilt will be used often. To all the people who donate their time to make these quilts, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. "
– Carrie Low, Calgary AB

"I received my quilt and it is beautiful. Thank you ladies for all the hard work you do to make us feel better. There are so many of us with cancer that are going through tough times. This quilt truly helps. God Bless you all. Thank you "
– Tracy Pierce, Winnipeg MN

"I received my quilt about two weeks ago. Thank you so much for this lovely, generous volunteer activity. Never underestimate the value of your hard work and positive spirit that goes into your quilts. It makes a world of difference in how it comforts cancer patients. I feel so much less alone whenever I have mine near me. "
– Penny Totsui, Nanaimo BC


"Thank you so much to the generous hearts that create these quilts with such love and good intention. My son loves his quilt and was so touched to receive it! You make a difficult journey a little easier with your kindness."
– Deanna Peace, ON

"Thank you for the lovely quilt that you made for my sister. She was very touched and it truly made her day."
– Mary Ann Oldfield, Winnipeg MN

"On behalf of my husband and myself I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for the stunning quilt that was sent to my husband. It is keeping him warm and comfy in the hospital. It was made by the Russell Friends Group of Ottawa. Thank you once again for this priceless gift! I hope and pray that someday there will no longer be a need for quilts for people battling cancer."
– Judy Frost, Richmond ON

"I want to express my sincere thanks for the lovely quilt that was delivered right to my front door. I feel so supported on this cancer journey and not at all left to walk the path alone. So many have gone before me and so many more are yet to come and face the challenge. Our neighbour kindly submitted my name to receive this beautiful blue quilt and matching bag. Your gesture of kindness will never be forgotten. Carry on with the pride and satisfaction that you are making a difference and providing hope with each and every quilt you create."
– Liz Waldron, Ottawa ON


"Thank you so much for the quilt you sent for my daughter. It is beautiful. Your volunteers do a wonderful job."
– Fern Lee, Kelowna BC

"I am so thrilled to be the proud owner of a beautiful quilt made by Victoria's Quilts Canada. The generosity and hours of work that were put into making this lovely quilt are deeply appreciated and I love all the bright and cheerful colours that were chosen. Thank you again!"
– Elizabeth Phipps, Windsor ON

"My granddaughter presented me with one of your quilts made by the Ottawa Branch of Victoria Quilts Canada. I would like to thank the volunteers who made this lovely quilt. It is comforting to know that you are not alone, it is much appreciated."
– Anonymous

"My sister received a quilt last night. She lives in Moncton, New Brunswick. I just want to say thank you to of all you wonderful people. She is delighted with it and anything that will help her get through this difficult time will never be forgotten by my sisters and I."
– Germaine Richard, Elmwood NB

"Just wanted to say thank you so much for the absolutely breath taking quilt you have made for me. It brought tears to my eyes just to know the ladies of Victoria's Quilt Canada put so much love into these for people like me. Again thank you and God bless every single lady that spreads this kind
of love."
– Lea-Anne Cormier, Moncton NB

"Thank you so much for the lovely quilt you sent to me as a cancer patient. Your thoughtfulness and the time and effort you spent to make the beautiful quilt overwhelms me. The love of my friend who contacted you also brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. I did nothing to earn this gift but I humbly and gratefully accepted it. How incredibly good God is!"
– Wendy Elgby,Fisher MN

"I received my quilt. Thank you!! It is beautiful, warm and cozy. I used it as soon as I received it. The carry bag is beautiful also and handy. I received it on a day when I was very emotional dring the roller coaster ride no one wants to be on. This brought a little light, a little sunshine to my day, and for this I was truly thankful. I love the colors; thanks again for what you do. Truly appreciated."
– Anonymous

"I have been so appreciative. This quilt even has colours and squares that I felt were especially put in my love quilt for me."
– Elizabeth McDonald, Pefferlaw ON

"What a surprise! Coming from British Columbia to my daughter-in-law a beautiful quilt. Sincerely, thank you to all of you. It is such a nice thing to do that for somebody you don't even know. It is well appreciated. Merci beaucoup."
– Louise Chrétien, Cowansville QC

"Thank you for the beautiful lap quilt I received a few days ago. It was a lovely surprise. Also thank you to the lady who requested it for me. The road through cancer and its treatments are a tough journey but it’s volunteers and organizations like yours that make it so much easier. Thank you so much."
– Minnie Morey, La Scie NL

"What a beautiful way to show the love of Christ, through these beautiful quilts. They mean so much to the receiver. It feels so good to know that someone who is sick has a quilt to bundle up in. Thank you and may God bless the hands, minds, body and soul of each and everyone of you."
– Diana Smith, West Kelowna BC

"On behalf of my mom, I’d like to thank all of the volunteers for her thoughtful gift. Quilts are extremely important to our family. This one reminded us of an extremely important person we lost to cancer five years ago. My mom (only 53 years old) is beginning chemotherapy this week and I’m positive that this quilt will comfort her through treatments."
– Emily Searle, Newmarket ON

"After being diagnosed with breast cancer a mere six weeks ago, my life has been turned upside down as I try to come to terms with this diagnosis. The compassion shown to me by family, friends and complete strangers has been incredible. Today I unexpectedly received this absolutely beautiful quilt made for me by complete strangers. It came to me when I was filled with darkness and fear and it immediately brightened my day. The love can be felt in every stitch and it is one of those rare gifts that I will treasure forever. Thank you to everyone involved in helping people with cancer be wrapped in love and healing."
– Colleen Hewgill, Belleville ON

"Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt I requested for my brother-in-law who is battling colon cancer. Amazing work and happy cheery colours. A huge hug and thank you to all the volunteers who take the time to put some sunshine in people's lives!"
– Anonymous


"Received my quilt in the mail a couple days ago. Such a beautiful surprise. I can feel the love both from those who made the quilt and from the person who requested it on my behalf. Thank you very much for this wonderful gift"
– Lise LaForge, Westlock AB

"Thank you so much for the wonderful surprise in the mail. It is so nice to know I am thought of all across Canada on this journey. I truly appreciate the volunteers who give their time and effort for these wonderful quilts."
– Eugene Roach, Yellowknife NWT

"Last week I received a beautiful quilt. A special thanks to my daughter for requesting it, it truly lifted my spirits. This year has been especially hard for me so this was very appreciated. Thank you to the volunteers who made this happen."
– Helene McInerney, St. Catherines ON


"Amazing and beautiful quilts. Such a nice gift to all those fighting the fight!"
– Elizabeth Erb, London ON

"Thank you so so much for making my beautiful quilt. You are all so amazing to do this for people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
– Nancy Sissaris, Barrie ON

"My heart was absolutely overjoyed when I opened my mailbox and found that a package had arrived from Victoria's Quilts Canada. I was completely blown away by the incredible beauty of my quilt. It was as though I had chosen the pattern and colours myself. This journey through cancer has been a difficult one, but knowing there are those prayerfully creating these works of art to share with us is incredible. Thanks you so much for blessing me and countless others with such a generous gift."
– Ruth Peters, Cran BC

"Last year I received a quilt through your charity when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was so pleased - the quilt brightened a down day. Thank you. I have just ordered a quilt for a friend who three days ago was diagnosed with stage 4. Hope it brightens her day as it did for me. I thank you. I’m sure you have heard this before: you all do a great job and it does not matter the colour; it is the thought and heart that goes into the quilts. Please forward my appreciation to the volunteers that do all this work."
– Anonymous

"A really lovely member of our community delivered my mom the most beautiful quilt yesterday. The quilt was gorgeous... you could tell that much care and love had been put into making it. What a lovely way to send a supportive message to those who are trudging this cancer journey. Thank you to all involved."
– Julie Bowman, Guelph ON

"My friend received the quilt that I requested for her. She sent me this 'I received the beautiful quilt today! What an awesome idea; I love it. Thank you so much. I hope that everyone who gets one enjoys it as much as I'm enjoying mine!!' She attached a photo showing the quilt and it is a truly beautiful piece of work. Thank you to all the quilters who are doing such important work of comfort."
– Linda Gilbert, Ottawa ON

"Thank you for the beautiful quilt. My good friend Margaret nominated me and I received a gorgeous orange quilt with windmills. I really treasure it. Thank you to the ladies who made it. And thank you to all the volunteers."
– Margaret Van Veen, London ON

"My sentiments are much like the others in thanking everyone for their work and their support in a unique way. Thank you."
– Brenda Isbister, Gibbons AB


"So grateful for these quilts for so many of my friends and family who are suffering through their ordeals with cancer. I know your quilts give them comfort. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
– Sarah Cloutier, Ottawa ON

"I want to thank all the wonderful volunteers for the gift that I received in March. The quilt arrived two days before my radiation treatment and came just in time to keep me comfortable. What beautiful colors and the hard work that has been put in to help keep patients like me warm and comfortable. It was a beautiful thought from my nursing staff at work, as I am a clerk at one of the hospitals here in Ottawa. The day I received the quilt I cried. Again thank you so very much."
– Lynn Forget, Ottawa ON

"I am writing this on behalf of my mother, Noreen, to pass on her gratitude for the beautiful quilt. The quilt, made by the Kemptville Branch of Victoria's Quilts Canada, was delivered by two of the ladies who helped make it. Friends lent us a wheelchair ramp and we have been able to take my mother outside for walks or to sit on the porch in the sunshine. She always puts the quilt over her when she goes outside. Thanks to all who contributed."
– Christine Kingsley, Ottawa ON

"Wow! Made with love... I am so grateful. Thank you"
– Nicole Scott, Halifax NS

"This is the most thoughtful gift anyone could get while going through such tough times."
– Doreen Huneault, Windsor ON

"WOW... Thank you! That is amazing."
– Sid and Ruth Warren, Duncan BC

"Quite unexpectedly, I received my breast cancer diagnosis. It's easy to feel lost, caught offguard, and become unmoored; however, I have often been overwhelmed by the kindness and caring of others along this journey. Thank you for the beautiful blue and torquoise-coloured quilt, which reminds me of so many things: the depths of the ocean and God's love, the promise of new life in green plants, the kindness and caring of friends and family across Canada. This awesome quilt even has dot patterns on it! One of the greatest surprises is that this quilt reunited me with a kind friend, who I had not seen in more than a dozen years and who called out of the blue then came to deliver the quilt. I will take this beautifully crafted quilt with me as I receive my chemo treatments and always be reminded that I am not alone on this journey. Thank you!"
– Dorothy (Dot) Kohler, Kitchener ON

"Thank you for the beautiful quilt that you sent my son James. It arrived just before Christmas. He loved his Victoria’s quilt. It made him happy. I am so happy that he got to enjoy it. James died a month later, after a 14-month battle with epithelioid sarcoma, an extremely rare cancer. He was 28. Thank you for bringing joy to those that are suffering with cancer. With much gratitude and appreciation."
– Diana Moreau, Chateauguay QC


"We are forever grateful for the beautiful gift. I thank you for all the time and love that went into this quilt. Thank you for your support."
– Sia Venet, Whitby ON

"Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt that arrived today. It brightened my day and will help to keep me cozy and warm during chemotherapy. A heartfelt thanks goes out to the wonderful people that donate the materials, time, and talent to create these quilts!"
– Cari Bode, Regina SK

"Thank you very much for the beautiful quilt received last week from the Ottawa Branch. It is comforting to receive such warm support."
– Anonymous

"My niece in London, Ontario recieved one of your quilts today. She is having treatment for breast cancer. The quilt is just beautiful and the thought behind it even more so. God bless you all."
– Sadie Latulippe, Thessalon ON

"Thank you to this wonderful organization. My friend is going through a hard time right now being treated for breast cancer and this quilt helped brightened her day. She loved it. You are a blessing."
– Myrna Brideau, Fredericton NB

"My family and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the beautiful quilt. My dad was thrilled to receive this special gift. He loves it and said it is absolutely beautiful. Such an amazing organization and blessing."
– Kim Booi, AB

"Thank you so very much for the beautiful quilt I received from the Ottawa Branch. Such a surprise when I got a phone call asking if I would be home that evening to accept a delivery from Victoria's Quilts Canada. I was flabbergasted and answered yes. It was delivered to my house in a lovely bag along with a card explaining who had made the request (my daughter) and how this organization worked. I love my quilt; it keeps me warm both physically and mentally. You should all pat yourselves on the back for lifting the spirits of cancer patients. Thank you and Hoorah!!! for VQC."
– Diane Sadler, Ottawa ON

"Hello, I sent an email request for a quilt late on Friday evening for my husband. On Sunday I received a call asking if we were available to take delivery of a quilt the next morning. True to his word, Fred showed up on time with a beautiful quilt made by Donna. Can't believe how fast this all happened and how beautiful the quilt is. Thank you so much !!!"
– Margaret Louwe-MacKellar, London ON

"What an amazing organization full of love and compassion."
– Anonymous

"I thank you so much for the nice quilt I received yesterday afternoon. I was so surprised that I almost cried. Be sure that I will sleep with this nice quilt every night. Congratulations for the amazing work you and all the volunteers are doing. You are bringing happiness and making a difference in the life of so many people with cancer. Once again, thank you very much. I would also like to thank my friend Francine who took the time to contact you."
– Diane Galipeau, Sherbrooke QC


"Thank you so much for this wonderful program. My friend and I ordered a quilt each for two different friends that are in the middle of a long battle with cancer. One is terminal. They are so overwhelmed by the kindness of others that do not know them and they are speechless. They both still have tears in their eyes and say. 'When I wrap the quilt around me I feel the love and support of so many who gave their time to make me feel loved.' Thank you so much."
– Elaine Downton, Cambridge ON

"Thank you so much for such a thoughtful gift. It is giving me great comfort during a difficult time. When I am recovered, I will make sure to keep passing it on to help others in need of a warm hug like your quilts provide. Thank you everyone for all your hard work and dedication."
– Carole Zwicker, Orleans ON

"I am so honoured to request a quilt for my son. I think this program is wonderful. To think that during a time in your life where you need all the love and support you receive a quilt made just for you with love and care from total strangers... Thank you so much."
– Lynn Bujold, Campbellton NB

"I did not know about this wonderful organization until I came across its website by accident. My wife put in a request for me to get one and within several days it was delivered. I was so happy to receive my quilt and the lady that brought it was the sweetest ever. I will cherish this forever, and it will definitely be coming with me to the hospital for the next leg of my journey."
– Gary Crummey, Oromocto NB

"I received a beautiful quilt in the mail today. Thank you for this lovely gift of warmth and caring. I am grateful for the compassion and generosity of the many hands that patiently crafted it. It is most treasured!"
– Punitha Kandasamy, Mississauga ON

"I'd like to offer my heartfelt thanks to Victoria's Quilts Canada for the beautiful, warm and cozy quilt which was requested for me by Jana from Victoria. When she learned I was undergoing cancer treatment she requested a quilt for me and it arrived a few days later. This quilt is the result of volunteers giving their time and skills to make life brighter and easier for people they have never met. The quilt not only helps keep me warm and comfortable while I rest, it also reminds me that when we undergo cancer treatment (and its side effects) we are not alone. Many friends, colleagues, and even people we have not yet met, are supporting us, keeping us in their minds and prayers. Thank You again."
– Henry Ilg, Richmond BC


"Thank you to all the volunteers who work on this project, providing comfort and support to cancer patients! And also letting caregivers know they are not alone in caring for their loved ones! The quilts are like great big hugs that last for a long time!"
– Margaret MacAskill, Grenville QC

"What a beautiful gift of love and kindness we received today. My mom’s hospital roommate requested a quilt for my mom and it arrived today. Thank you to her roomate and to the Moncton Branch for the beautiful, colourful quilt that is putting a ray of brightness in our lives. With much gratitude.
– Heather Austin, Sussex NB

" Thank you all so much for the beautiful quilt that you sent to my Auntie. She loved it. She suffered from cancer in the spine and later the cancer metastasized into her skull. She succumbed to the cancers and passed away in January. She fought valiantly; the fight was a long and very tough battle. She kept a strong mind until the end. She was a very kind, compassionate, and caring woman and is already dearly missed. I wanted to thank you for her. She took her lap-quilt with her to Vancouver last summer when she had spinal surgery to remove some of tumors that crushed her spine. A very sincere thank you for everything that you all do. You send comfort to the suffering. It is evident in the beauty that you create for the sufferers that you all really do care."
– Carol Roberts, Prince Rupert BC

"What an amazing experience. Thank you all for your lovely quilt for my mother. She unfortunately passed away before she got to enjoy it. I have passed the beautiful quilt along to a family friend who is going through treatment as well. She loves it! Thank you for all you do to volunteer your time and provide a cozy quilt for our fighters."
– Anonymous

"I'm so thankful to your wonderful organization! I ordered a quilt for my friend who is facing cancer for the second time. I was literally ordering it while I sat with her during her chemo treatment yesterday. It was delivered to her this morning! She just loves it and I'm amazed at how quickly it came! Thanks for all you do!"
– Donna Murray, London ON

"I received my quilt and a complementary bag (ideal for shopping or for treatment). I love it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It will be very useful to keep me warm and snug during my “off” days. You are angels."
– Kathleen L'Abbee, St Bruno QC

"Thank you so very much for the gorgeous quilt I received while going through cancer treatment. I do understand the amount of work that goes into making such a comfort... and it gave me loads of the latter, as I settled in for each chemo session. When completed, I passed it on to another dear friend whom was afflicted with the same diagnosis to provide comfort and support, which it did. Thank you again so much for your handiwork, generosity and commitment."
– Krisan Palmer, Saint John NB

"Thank you so much for the encouragement, love, and support you are giving to our loved ones!!! We truly appreciate your cheerful commitment and hope that is stitched into each lovely work of art. May God richly bless you!"
– Winnie Crouch, Codys NB

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Updated: March 24, 2019